

Treatment for tennis elbow

A tennis player at times overuses his tendons creating a bump in the elbow for which tennis elbow treatment becomes inevitable. As the name implies this is not a disease seen in tennis players alone. This problem may occur to others like plumbers, gardeners etc whose work is more dependent on the elbow related activities. The severity of the pain is dependent on the graveness of the injury caused to the tendons. Minor problems can be treated by over the counter medications and injections. As severity of pain increases other methods like physical therapy, RICER ( Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, referral ) would have to be used to get rid of the problem of the tendons.


The best option for tennis elbow treatment is giving good rest to your elbow. Avoiding repetitive actions of the elbow can be reduced by using elbow wraps. This wraps snugly over the forearm below the elbow preventing unwanted movements. Keeping ice on the elbow has also been found to be very effective in reducing the pain in swelling. Using a elbow brace will help to give compression to the tissues will be useful in reducing the swelling and protect them from further abuse. Keeping the arm in elevated position can expedite the recovery. And getting good advice from a referral doctor will be good for reducing the pain and other difficulties.


Another treatment option is using no steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs help you to reduce the pain as well as swelling in the affected area. Considering your specific needs a good tennis elbow treatment specialist will be able to prescribe most suitable and appropriate medication for improving the symptoms of tennis elbow.

Physical Therapy

This problem can also be tackled by using physical therapy methods. Physical therapy helps you to reduce the pain and tackle the problem. This method helps to strengthen the muscles and tissues around the elbow. As it is undertaken under the supervision of a trained physical therapist you will be getting quality advice. One such exercise is discussed below.

  • Keep your arm extended in front of you with palm facing upwards.
  • Bend the wrist so that your hand points towards floor.
  • With one hand gently bend the other hands wrist further until you feel stretch in the forearm.

You can get good advice from good physical therapist about the exercises suitable for you and practice them regularly to avoid tennis elbow problem.

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