

Things to know before buying Persian Rugs

Persian antique rugs, also called as oldest oriental rugs will be considered as an amazing choice for decorating homes. Before buying these rugs, make sure they are handmade as machine made rugs lacks the durability as well as the unique charm of thee rugs. These rugs play important role to get the touch of authenticity and endless joy. As these rugs are said as antique piece then you can say as a best way of investment or they can add the value of your home. In other words, in case you want to sell these rugs after years, you will definitely get more value.

Manufacturing of Persian Rugs

Generally, similar methods and materials are used for the manufacturing of all oriental rugs. As we know, handmade rugs are considered as real oriental rugs so the time of making these rugs is generally long, say 7-8 months. Weavers apply two types of knots and for Persian rugs, Persian Senneh knot is applied. This is a single knot that can be made to left or right so pile can lie in any of the direction. There are five basic materials for the manufacturing of these rugs including wool, jute, silk, cotton, and animal hair.

Cleaning of Persian Rugs:

Rugs also need proper cleaning treatment as these are one of the most expensive assets of the home. Most of the people think like the cleaning of rugs cannot be done at home but you can clean them with minimum efforts, if you know how to clean them. Most of the spills can be treated with the application of cold water, gentle soaps or neutral pH detergents, and wash cloth. Don’t forget to rinse the entire residue of soap. You can use hair dryer or fan to dry the rug quickly. So, you can tackle most of the accidents or stains at home.

Buy original rug only

These antique rugs va will surely change the appearance of any room. These rugs are made up with high quality material that ensures their long life. No doubt, these are expensive rugs and can be over your budget but buying these rugs will be an ideal investment. While buying these rugs, make sure you are buying original rug as there are several artificial rugs available in the market. Machine made rugs are said as artificial rugs so prefer the handmade rug only. Check the available shape and size as well.

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