

How To Use An Area Rug In A Guest Room

If you want to spice up your guest room and set it up for being a perfect place to stay for guests, then you will be pleased to know that area oriental rugs will be your best companion. Here are things that you can do with area rugs and make them double up as décor for your guest rooms.

What Colors Will Look Best?

The most important thing to keep in mind about area rugs is that the colors need to compliment the room and its interior. Well, you will be happy and pleased that area rugs are available in a variety of colors. And there are limitless patterns of area rugs. There is something for everyone.

Try to go for muted and neutral colors. These colors will blend in well with the room and if your room is a minimal room, then these neutral and soft colors of area rugs will add a lot of charm and character to the room. A guest room is mostly minimal and there are no special added touches to it since there are mostly guests staying in the place, so dress up the room with some area rugs.

Area Or Full-Length Rugs?

Now this is a debatable question. Should you go for area rugs which are small and cover only some part of the room, or do you want full length rugs which cover the floors of the room. Usually, it depends and you can choose whichever rug you want

but if you want something which is not as high maintenance and can be moved around easily, then area rugs are your best choice. You don’t want to go for full length rugs because they are very hard to clean and maintain, whereas area rugs are the opposite. They can be picked up and situated at any place you want without having to move much muscle. So, if you want something which will not give you a hassle, then area rugs are the way to go.

Where To Put Them?

Once you know you want an area rug in the guest room, the next important thing to figure out is where to put it. You can put area rugs anywhere you want. By the bed, over the vanity, by the bathroom, under a couch, under a studying table, anywhere is fine.

What you need to remember is where you think the rug looks good. Try to place it at different areas and then decide where the rug looks good and blends in with the room while adding a touch of décor to the room too.

Why Area Rugs?

Area rugs are great for a lot of reasons. The first one being that it is very easy to place and situate anywhere. You don’t need extra help from anyone to move around an area rug.

Another great thing about area rugs is that they are a little bit more reasonably priced than a lot of thick woolen rugs. You can get your hands on a premium quality area rug without having to break the bank. You can also get a bunch of rugs and place them around the room as you please. There is no right or wrong way when it comes to an area rug.

Build Around The Area Rug

If you want another idea to decorate an area rug, then you can try this tip. First select a bare area and put the rug there. From there, you can start to build décor around the rug. Add a chair or a table, add a vanity or place it near the bed. You can play around the location of things around the rug until you are happy with the placement of things and the rooms look more put together. This is a great way to decorate around a rug and make the rug feel included.

There you have it! Area rugs are the best things to use if you want to add a little bit of something to your guest room, or any room for that matter. Area rugs will complete any room in a way that looks beautiful and magnificent. Be sure to visit rug stores Northern VA with some decor ideas in mind to select the right rug for your guest room.

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