

How bail bonds work to release somebody from jail

When a person is arrested and he is taken in front of the court of law for certain offense, he requires executing bail bonds for his release from the jail. A defense lawyer can help in getting bail via bonds

Bail bonds and criminal defense lawyer

Bail allows a person to leave jail and continue his life outside waiting for a trial. To explain, bail bond is an amount of money in cash, property or surety bond that must be paid for an arrested person to be released from jail, before commencement of the trail. The amount is decided by the court.

The purpose of obtaining bonds is to ensure the attendance of the alleged accused person in the court. Any person who has valid land documents in his name or a solvent person can stand as surety and execute the bail bonds for the alleged offender.

If one doesn’t have enough cash to pay as per the court’s order, then you can hire a professional bail bond agent licensed by the government. Generally they charge 10% of the total bond amount. On execution of the bail bonds, as per orders of the court the person is released from the jail. The court holds up the amount or property until all proceedings against the offender are completed. In case the person jumps up bail i.e does not attend the court on the fixed date, the court issues a warrant of arrest against the offender and there is a chance of forfeiture of the bond amount.

Basically there are two types of offenses i.e bailable and non bailable. In a bailable offense, the offender is entitled to be released on bail from the police station on execution of a bail bond. In non bailable offense, the police or any other person authorized by law to arrest a person, does not have power to release, but forward him to the court and the court has the jurisdiction and power of granting bail.

Criminal defense lawyer

Sometimes a person booked for some petty offenses is also released on his own recognizance i.e. he only signs a P.R. bond for appearance in the court on the fixed date.

While granting bail the court generally considers the gravity of the offense on the following factors:

  1. If the person has family members living in the community for many years.
  2. If he has a permanent job.
  3. If he has any past criminal records in the past.
  4. Though has criminal records, but always appeared as and when required.

It is the responsibility of the criminal defense lawyer to locate and bring the defendant into custody, if he jumps bail and refuses to attend the court. So the bailor/ agent should be careful before signing bail bonds for somebody.

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