

A prenuptial agreement – a must before you marry

While you are planning to arrange your marriage, you should be drafting and reviewing prenuptial agreements. A prenuptial agreement is one that consists of beforehand agreement of division and distribution of the property if the marriage ultimately ends up in divorce. It may be look awkward or uncomfortable to discuss about divorce with your spouse while planning for marriage. However, it is also important for you to draft an agreement to avoid harassment and wastage of money as well as time later on. Now look into the properties that usually come under such an agreement.

The properties that come under prenuptial agreement

There are few bindings and laws that come under such an agreement. Take a look into few of them:

  • A prenuptial agreement provides you with the right to distribute such properties which both the parties already possess or might acquire during the marriage.
  • Such an agreement gives you the right to sell, buy or lease any part of such property.
  • The agreement provides you the right to disposition of the property upon separation or divorce.
  • A prenuptial agreement also provides you with the right to disposition of the property in case of the death of any partner.
  • Alimony can also be included in such an agreement.

These are the property that comes under the agreement. You should also know that why exactly should you make a prenuptial agreement. Now take a look into the possible cases when you should draft a prenuptial agreement.

When should you plan a prenuptial agreement

A prenuptial agreement is drafted when a couple is planning to get married. One should definitely go for the formulating of such an agreement in these few cases:

  • One should draft a prenuptial agreement, in case of their second marriage.
  • One should have an agreement, if one is having a child from their previous marriage.

Thus, these are some basic points that give you an idea of a prenuptial agreement and when it should be made. This is important for you that you make a prenuptial agreement when you plan your marriage. It would be best for you that you consult with your attorney.  Your agreement should be left upon the hands of a lawyer who has a good experience in such cases. You can approach to your family lawyer alexandria as well, if he or she has an experience in dealing with such cases. However, it is not applicable if you let any lawyer to deal with your prenuptial agreements.

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