

Four foods that are excellent for burning belly fat

Some scientists believe that losing your excess weight is directly related to your body’s natural hunger and sleep rhythms. It is expected that one can become slimmer and energetic within 30 days by changing his weight loss diet plan to a more scientific one and by getting a good rhythm of sleep. In short one can say that if you get tuned to body’s natural schedules of eat and sleep, you will be saying good bye to your belly fat. Eat the below mentioned foods to sleep well and lose more weight and reduce your belly fat.


Studies have shown that insufficiency of omega 3 in the diet eating plan can lead to change in the production of melatonin, the hormone for sleep and thereby affecting your sleep cycle. A diet, rich in omega 3 can lead to good heart health. Similarly foods which are rich in protein makes you feel full and more calories are used up for burning the protein. So fish like sardines which are rich in omega 3 and protein are very good for your heart health and for keeping your body slim and energetic with healthy weight loss diet.


Nuts and fatty legumes are good source of magnesium, essential for boosting your mood. Without eating nuts your brain’s part that controls the production of sleep hormones does not work properly. Most people like to eat nuts in the leisure time. If healthiest diet you follow does not include enough nuts, you can start it now with an intention to reduce your belly fat.


It has been proved beyond doubt that milk should be included in the health diet plan intended for reducing belly fat. A study was conducted in the year 2010 in the Alabama University situated at Birmingham regarding diet eating plan. It has been proved that the participants in the study who were premenopausal women lost one inch of their belly for every 100 milligrams of calcium consumed by them through half a cup of frozen yogurt. Sardines, orange juice, dark leafy greens like spinach etc are good suppliers of magnesium and calcium. Calcium is very good for weight loss like magnesium.

Tart Cherries

Tart cherries are good source of plant based melatonin and should be included in your healthiest diet plan. Bananas and corns are also sources.  Munching on these cherries at bed time can increase the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. It is also   a powerful antioxidant that protects human cells from radical damages like caner, Alzheimer’s etc.  If you do not like cherries you can also go for its juice. Consult with the best nutritionist.

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