

Fireplace smoke? Here’s how to stop it!

Every homeowner desires to enjoy winter evenings in front of their wood burning fireplace. The soothing and relaxing ambience created by fireplace is incomparable to anything in this world. BUT sometimes, fireplace smoke ruins the entire fun of using fireplace. In fact, sometime it becomes really very difficult to bear the fireplace smoke.

Why Does Your Fireplace Smoke?

Fireplace smoke can arise due to multiple reasons. Actually, smoke should escape from fireplace through the chimney. If your chimney has issues, then smoke will leak through the fireplace openings. Sometime smoke also leaks because your fireplace issues. Below mentioned are some most common issues with chimney and fireplace which results fireplace smoke leakage.

Chimney clogging

Chimney clogging is one of the primary reasons behind fireplace smoke. Chimney gets clogged when you avoid chimney cleaning for a long period of time. The stiff buildup of dust, dirt, debris and creosote does not allow smoke to travel up, as a result smoke start accumulating inside the chimney and after certain limit, it leaks through fireplace.

Chimney cap problems

Chimney cap is the first thing that you should check when you notice fireplace smoke. Sometimes, rain, snow and other outdoor elements block the chimney cap. When chimney cap get blocked, there remain no way for smoke to escape from your chimney.

Wet firewood

Wet firewood generates more smoke as compared to seasoned wood. Although seasoned wood is costly as compared to wet wood, they are recommended for fireplace. Seasoned wood piles burn longer and they provide more warmth than the wet wood.

Incorrectly build fireplace

Many times fireplace structure is responsible for smoke leakage. The critical parts of your fireplace may not be installed properly. This is probably the most serious problem associated with the fireplace smoke.

It is not a good idea to avoid fireplace smoke. This smoke contains a large amount of carbon monoxide and other toxic gases. When you inhale such dangerous gases, they make really very bad effect on your health. Thus, instead of avoiding fireplace smoke, you should hire a certified fireplace contractor for proper cleaning and maintenance of your fireplace as well as chimney.

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