

Important Things to Know about Medical Abortion

Medical abortion is a procedure where two oral drugs are used for clearing the uterus. This serves as a surgery alternative and is referred to as non-surgical abortion in general. But, before you undergo abortion using drugs, there are several critical things you have to know first.

Who is Eligible for the abortion?

Not everyone can undergo non-surgical abortion. A woman an abort the pregnancy using drugs as soon as the pregnancy has been confirmed and it is not yet over 8 weeks. It means that women who are already in later pregnancy stages are discouraged to get an abortion.

As mentioned earlier, one aspect of being eligible for this abortion procedure is the willingness to undergo surgical abortion if the process fails and to go back to the clinic for a follow-up examination.

In addition, the nurse or doctor is going to clarify the contraindications of the abortion process. Women who experienced an ectopic pregnancy in the past or the pregnancy that happens outside the uterus may no longer be eligible for abortion using drugs. Aside from that, women suffering from the following are also not encouraged to get medical abortion:

  • Uncontrolled asthma or asthma being treated using corticosteroids
  • Allergy to drugs or any component they have
  • Malfunctioning adrenal glands
  • Porphyria, the disease characterized by the abnormally metabolized hemoglobin
  • Extremely high blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular problems

Women with intra-uterine contraceptive device in their uterus are also illegible for abortion using drugs.

Not Successful Always             

There’s no guarantee that medical abortion will always be successful. Women who like to have a non-surgical abortion must be prepared to undergo surgical abortion in case abortion through drugs failed.

When it comes to medical abortion, 2 drugs are taken through mouth. The first drug basically weakens the fetus attachment to the womb while the second drug causes bleeding and contractions that expels unborn child out of the body of the woman. Such drugs are taken 2 days apart. They might cause birth defects. So, if not successful, women should have a surgical abortion.

There are instances that abortion isn’t complete. That is the reason why women have to attend the examination 1 to 2 weeks after taking the medication. This will verify if the abortion is a success. If not, surgical abortion would be recommended.

Very Safe Abortion

Even if the abortion’s success rate isn’t 100%, a lot of women prefer this due to safety. The drugs used have been studied across the globe and used a lot of time. However, women who opt for abortion through drugs must understand the risk. The drugs and process are safe, but there are some instances to experience serious bleeding that requires a surgery.

Women have some reasons to consider pregnancy abortion washington and some of these include financial problem, age, having a lot of kids, the last kid is too old or too young, and issues with the father. Luckily, women don’t have to undergo surgery right away. They can consider medical abortion, which is very safe.

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