

Hiring The Right Realtor DC And Other Ways Of Selling Your House Fast And At A High Price

When you have made a decision to sell a house, you want to sell it fast and at the highest price. For you to have an easy time selling the house you need to do a number of things. Here are some of these things as given by realtor:

Appearances matter, make them count

People buy things with their emotions and one of the ways of eliciting great emotions is ensuring that your house has a beautiful look. How does the front of the house look like? Give it an exquisite look. Ensure that the front gardens are properly maintained and the doors and window frames are newly painted.

Do you have window boxes and hanging baskets at the front of your house? Make them more presentable. You shouldn’t simply pay attention to the front of the house. Also, pay attention to the back. How does the garden look like? Is it properly maintained? If it’s not, it’s time to give it that exquisite look.

You should also keep the house clean. Ensure that the cupboards, carpets, and kitchen are in mint condition. Most buyers pay attention to the bathroom and kitchen; therefore, these are the areas you should pay attention to. Keep them spotless.

Your house can be clean but if it’s cluttered, you will create an unpleasant look. Are there unwanted items, books, toys, and other things in the house? it’s time to get rid of them. Don’t leave X-rated magazines, books, medicine, or guns on display.

You also should get rid of toys, furniture, and large equipment that might be blocking doors and windows. Are there coats on the hallway? Get rid of them.

Price the house correctly

Your house might be in the right neighborhood, clean, and spotless but it won’t attract buyers if the price is off. As rule of thumb, never overprice your house. Most people want to sell their houses at the highest price. While there is nothing wrong with this, you should be realistic in your pricing.

For you to easily tell the best price to sell the house you should do some “home shopping” yourself. Check the other open houses in your area. Take a note of the plans, size of the lot, appearance, condition, and of course the price. From your survey, you will be able to properly set the right price of your house.

Decide on the realtor

According to the National Association Of Realtors, two-thirds of people that sold their houses on their own say that if they were to do it all over again, they wouldn’t. This is because it’s hard to sell the house at the right price. There are also challenges with pricing, marketing, time, and liability.

Do you want to sell your house fast and without much hassle? Work with a realtor. While there are many realtors in the market, not all are right for you. A good realtor should have the necessary information on past sales, marketing, current listings, and of course references.

Before you decide to work with the professional, take time to contact the given references and ask them about their experience with the said realtor. If you hear a number of negatives about the professional, you are better off without them.

For you to have a great experience with the seller’s agent you choose, work with someone with the right experience, qualifications, personality, and enthusiasm. You should choose someone that you can trust and you are confident will do a great job on your behalf.

Put more on the table

Just like in school, it’s always wise to go the extra mile. To make your house more attractive to buyers you should give them more. For example, you can offer to transfer your home warranty for appliances to the buyers.

When you do this, you give the buyer peace of mind as they know they don’t need to worry about incurring repair costs in the event their appliances developed problems.

Seller’s agent also recommend that you give the buyers a chance to move in quicker than normal. For example, you can allow the homeowners to access your home in 30-60 days. In the event, a given homeowner comes across your house and it’s their dream home, they will most likely move in if this incentive is on the table.

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