

Allergy drops – a new treatment option for allergies

Commonplace things like air, smoke, food etc are causes of allergy to some people and such people find it impossible to go out of their homes during certain seasons. For sufferers, finding out proper allergy doctor and getting proper treatment for the disease, can bring relief to their sufferings and activity to their life. Allergies are formed due to the malfunction of the immune system of our bodies. When some substance is introduced to our body, it treats the substance as a threat and reacts appropriately in an effort to get rid of the substance.  The substances which body considers as threat are benign substances but for the existence of allergies.

When allergens enter the body of a patient, the immune system reacts by releasing chemical histamine.  The common symptoms of much type of allergies which include runny nose, watery eyes, congestion, cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing etc are produced by the release of histamine. Allergy symptoms can be reduced and comfort can be obtained by the patient by following the three treatment options discussed below.

Medicines for allergy

Antihistamines are commonly used by an allergy doctor for allergy treatment.  They are given as pills, nasal sprays, eye drops etc. These medicines can be purchased over the counter and used for reducing the severity of allergy symptoms.

Allergy shots

Allergy shots are commonly known as immunotherapy also. This is a long term option practiced by an allergy doctor for treating allergy. In allergy shots injections of allergens are given regularly increasing the dosage step by step. This helps to develop immunity to that allergen. There are two phases for this process. They are build-up phase and maintenance phase. In build-up phase increasing dosage of allergens are injected once or twice every week. This may continue for about three to six months. The maintenance phase starts when the effective dosage is reached in the build-up phase. The maintenance dose needed is dependent upon the level of allergy experienced by the patient.

Allergy drops

These are not painful injections like allergy shots va. They are simply drops of medicine which can be placed under the tongue. This can be done by the patient at his home itself. Doctor needs to visit the patient only to evaluate the progress of the treatment. These drops are very beneficial to children as they need not have to take the painful allergy shots once in a week for long periods.

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