

Can Cheese Contribute To A Good Nights Sleep?

Insomnia treatment? If you’re finding it hard to spot the proper solution to it, well don’t worry because there are a lot of ways that might just be your best treatment. Just like in this article, you will find out that that cheese toasts that you’ve been munching on all this time could provide you with tons of health benefits and could also be your sleep solution.

Do you find yourself lying awake at night or suffering from anxiety that’s unexplained? Psychology Today suggests looking into your diet first before popping on any pills. Why? Because the main cause of your insomnia might just be a chemical reaction coming from some of the food that you’ve been eating. Like alcohol, energy drink, and caffeine. These beverages might be some of the reasons for your insomnia and anxiety, so just be extra careful of your food intake. Moderation is always the key.

Cheese power-packed health benefits include calcium, protein, healthy heart, weight loss, supporting healthy bones, reduced risk of cancer, reducing stress, cavity resistance, a source of carbohydrates and prevention of having osteoporosis. Cheese might have also other benefits like promoting immunity, helping brain function and supports’ a well-deserved snooze.


Cheese is a derivative of milk, accumulated after the coagulation process. The introduction of bacteria and enzymes causes the production of milk. With thousands of varieties on the market, there are also thousands of uses in the culinary industry of this delicious product. The taste, though may vary depending on the type of cheese, but, mostly they are salty, milky and creamy.



You may have heard that consuming cheese before hitting the sack can cause you nightmares and you also know that this is complete nonsense.

The truth is, snacking on cheese before going to bed can actually feed into your healthy sleeping habit – though you might dream about the cheese that you gobbled before you hit the hay.


It can contribute to reducing the risk of contracting cancer. This is because it is rich in linoleic acid and sphingolipids – chemicals that are known to be packed with antioxidant properties. Further studies are being conducted to understand the effect of cheese consumption on colon cancer.


It’s no replacement for a new tooth or an alternative to a toothbrush, but cheese may help prevent cavities. In a small study from Turkey in 2018, published in the journal, people who feast on cheese (about 1/3 ounce) after rinsing with sugar solution had a rapid decrease in acidity, which lowers the risk of cavity build up.


For a healthy brain activity, your body uses the fats accumulated from what you have devoured. Being rich in omega 3 and sixty other acids, cheese is a delicious way to keep that brain working.


According to the Mediterranean Diet, cheese is associated with many health benefits including a decreasing rate of cardiovascular diseases – this is with moderation is eating cheese daily. Whilst dairy foods – again with cheese, plays an important role in the anti-hypertension DASH diet.


Cheese is loaded with vitamins A, B12, riboflavin, zinc, and phosphorus. The protein present in cheese can easily be digested and is especially useful in the metabolic process. It’s also a source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a healthy fat that may have anti-cancer components, weight reducing elements, and heart-protective effects. Protein maintains many functions, from a good metabolism to muscle regeneration.


We all know the benefits of yogurt as a probiotic, but it is not the only dairy by-product that contains good bacteria. The good bacteria present in cheese help maintain good health.


Studies are being carried out in determining the reason for the effects that cheese has on stress and anxiety. Cheese has been observed to reduce panic and anxiety attacks. Where this can be attributed to the varieties rich in magnesium, a little cheese will certainly help relax your mind.

Cheese is the epitome of a complete food. Whole foods are generally good for you, as long as you don’t eat too much of one thing. With all that being said, the insomnia clinics may also suggest other sleep-supporting foods that you can add to your healthy balanced diet. Since cheese is one of the most accessible food you can easily grab, stuffing yourself with it in moderation could actually improve your sleep and ditch your struggles in sleeping.

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