

7 Tips On How To Clean Jute Rugs

Jute rugs are expanding their bounds of reach these days. People in large numbers are buying jute rugs over traditional rugs because they look absolutely sleek and voguish. However, cleaning these rugs can be one heck of a deal.

Here are a bunch of tips on how to clean a jute rug.

Use A Bristle Brush To Gently Remove The Stain

In order to get rid of any fresh stain, you should use a soft bristle brush. It is a thing that can help you remove the stain without damaging your rug. Make sure, you do not go harsh on your jute rug in case it catches a bare stain. Contrary to the popular belief, better to call it misbelief, stain can be removed with gentle rubs. Do not overtire yourself trying to remove an old stain, if it is no longer your cup of tea, hand it over to the drycleaners and they’ll take care of it.

Try To Drain It Out As Much As You Can – If It’s A Liquid

You can easily blot it out if it is a liquid – and especially if it’s a fresh spill. All you have to do is, try and get the liquid out of the jute. Know the right technique before trying your hand at it; some people literally push it inside with harsh rubs. You should try to squeeze it out, to be true if a liquid spill is not older than 5-10 minutes, rest assured, it can be easily and conveniently drained out.

Don’t Let The Stain Grow Old

Try to be at the helm of your house, don’t let any stain be noticed late or not noticed at all. Once you are aware of the stain, take action within seconds and get it removed doing whatever it takes to remove it. Do not procrastinate because of petty chores, pause your chores to be resumed later, and get done and dusted with the satin before anything else – because once it starts drying, it’ll be tremendously difficult for you to eradicate that very stain.

Vacuum Both Sides Of Your Jute Rug Twice A Week, At Least

Whether it catches a stain or not, you need to vacuum it once or twice a week, and no less than that. Your jute rug deserves to get cleaning on a regular basis no matter what. Whether you have placed it in a low-traffic area or a heavy-traffic area, it is surely going to catch some miniscule impurities and smuts. Therefore, it is absolutely mandatory for you to dust or vacuum your jute rug twice a week or so. Jute rugs are more likely to look awful if contaminated, so to speak.

Use A Dull Knife To Get Rid Of Solid Dirt

Liquids are not the only nightmares you need to battle, so to say. At times, there is some solid dirt you need to do away with. If you notice it a little late, there is a possibility that it has already gotten firmly stuck in the rug. You don’t need a sharp knife but a dull knife to scrape the tiniest of the solid dirt from the jute rug. Again, do not try to go rough on it, do it gently and mercifully – remind yourself of the fact that it is only a creepy piece of dirt you have to fight not the whole rug (some people forget it when they are frustrated).

Mix Bleach With Water And Use The Mixture To Get Rid Of Minute Fungus Or Mildew

Mildew is another thing that a jute rug often catches. The best way to get rid of this kind of blotch is to apply a mixture made from bleach and water. The quantity of bleach is not going to be parallel with the quantity of water, so to say. Water should be 5x more than the bleach. Remember, you have to come up with the perfect consistency before using the mixture on the mildewed area of your rug. Do not overlook this significant part of the process!

Run A Jute Sealer On Your Jute Rug To Reduce Their Potential Of Absorbency

Jute sealer is the best way to reduce a rug’s tendency to absorb any sort of stain. If you use a jute sealer to your advantage, you can save your rug from being stained every so often. However, if your jute rug is worn out, go to rug stores Northern VA for buying a new one.

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