This seasonal allergy is usually diagnosed as a group of symptoms affecting the nose. The victims to the allergy may be new born, infants and even adults. Usually the symptoms are correlated as runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and nose, dark circles under the eyes. Allergic reaction starts when the vulnerable happens to expose them to inhale pollen, standing amidst of dust, and contact with the pet animals so the dander from the pet start affecting them. Once the allergic reaction starts, followed by symptoms and associated with prolonged Hay fever. It is better to treat allergy, on time, before getting worse.
Even though the allergic symptom is common in various parts of the world, the causative organisms, the season of causing symptoms may vary from country to country. That is it may be early spring, late spring to early summer, and late winter of the year throughout. Because, usually the abundance of allergen likes pollen, ragweed, tree pollen, etc may be unique country wise according to the climatic conditions of the country.
The victim when get exposed to an allergen like mold, pollen, dander, etc their body will releases a chemical substance that enhances the allergy followed by the rhinitis symptoms. So, avoid or lesser the time of contact to the allergen will be the first remedy. A physician who diagnoses the rhinitis victim will undergo physical testing regarding the allergy. Followed by which the need of undergoing basic to contemporary test is concerned. Some of the tests involve in diagnosing rhinitis are:
Allergy Tests involved:
- Skin testing- the basic and common
- Blood testing –this is usually done when askin test is not responding.
- Ig E RAST is undergone to measure the allergy related substance.
- Complete blood count (CBC) – EOSINOPHIL count. Red blood corpuscles are under supervision and counted to know whether the victim is eosinophilic or not.
A physician who undergoes diagnoses about rhinitis will prescribe Anti histamines, corticosteroids, decongestants, initially. If the symptoms of allergy do not get resisted to the drugs prescribed or the victims cannot avoid the allergen then, in such case, introducing to the patients. Allergy shots are immunotherapy, whichis prescribed when indispensable. Before that, thephysicianshould have the thorough knowledge about the patient history like allergen to any chemicals, medicines and whether the patients are victim to asthma or any respiratory problems ever before and should make knowledge about their current therapy underwent if any.